It’s Not Exercise, It’s My Sensory Diet
We’ve all heard the old advice: Exercise helps reduce stress. Have we every considered why that is, or what exactly constitutes exercise?
If you look up the definition of exercise you may find explanations such as: activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. While this can be true, let us broaden the things we consider exercise and the reasons behind why we exercise.
Let’s take a moment and stop thinking of exercise as exercise. Let’s consider it our sensory diet. Want learn more about sensory diets? Check out our previous blog: What is a Sensory Diet?
Tips to Create a Sensory Diet using Exercise
If you’re unclear of what vestibular, proprioceptive, and deep pressure input are, check out this blog: The Three Secret Senses
If you’re not sure, try each of them and write down how you felt after each kind of input and exercise to better track the differences in your self-regulation. You may need to try each one for a few days to provide a clearer picture of your body’s needs. If you note you feel less stressed or better able to problem solve and cope after a specific kind of exercise or sensory input, maybe that’s the type of exercise to gravitate towards. Take note of overall mood and ability to emotionally regulate and consider the effects of an exercise for a few days after. One thing I have noticed, is that I feel calmer, better focused, and experience less feelings of anxiety on days I provide myself with proprioceptive input.
Maybe a combination is the key to your self regulation. Be sure to consider what you need each day based on your schedule, the season, and your overall mood.